Personal Law

ACLU: Emails Show Racial Bias in Immigration Law

Russell PearceOpponents of Arizona’s hardline immigration enforcement law contend that emails sent, received and forwarded by a former legislator who championed the law support allegations it was racially motivated.

Dozens of emails are cited in a new legal effort by the American Civil Liberties Union and other civil rights groups to block police from enforcing the Arizona law’s so-called “show me your papers” provision recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The groups said the emails and other material reveal that ex-Sen. Russell Pearce and other supporters of the law known as SB1070 embraced discriminatory views and bent the truth about immigration-related matters, setting the stage for enactment of a law that the groups contend will lead to racial profiling if enforced.

Russell is the architect of Arizona’s immigration law.

The use of the emails in the court filing later Tuesday was reported Friday by The Arizona Republic.

Pearce on Friday denied discriminatory intent in championing the law, telling The Associated Press that the civil rights groups falsely portray him as a racist and that the law includes protections against racial profiling.

“Nobody wants to talk about that,” he said. “I’ve been attacked for years. I don’t expect it to stop.”

The motion cited dozens of emails that were sent, received or forwarded by Pearce. Many of the emails asserted costs and troubles associated with illegal immigration, including crime and increased demand for public services such as education and health care.

Pearce has made countless public statements to that effect in recent years, while repeatedly saying he just wants federal and state officials to enforce laws against illegal immigration.

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Personal Law

Law Covers Naked TSA Protest


In Portland, Ore., John Brennan has come to be known as “Sir Godiva” and the “Naked American Hero,” a motto emblazoned on T-shirts, mugs and beach totes featuring Brennan clothed in a beard, a pair of glasses and pretty much nothing else.

That, after all, is the image most people have in mind from the widely circulated photo of Brennan’s bare rear end, taken in April after he stripped naked in protest of a federal Transportation Security Agency search at Portland International Airport.

Last week, Brennan was acquitted on an indecent exposure charge after a judge in Multnomah County ruled that the 50-year-old website manager was engaged in a symbolic protest protected as free speech.

“It is the speech itself that the state is seeking to punish, and that it cannot do,” Circuit Judge David Rees said.

The verdict Wednesday brought at least a partial conclusion to a case that caused widespread angst at the airport. Some passengers were covering their children’s eyes, and their own, as Brennan calmly unveiled his opposition to TSA screening procedures, according to a report from the airport police. The case also drew international attention to the normally low-key computer geek.

But Brennan still faces a federal investigation by the TSA, which he said could impose a large fine or even place him on a no-fly list if agency officials conclude he unlawfully interfered with the airport screening process.

“The phrase I’ve come away with in all of this is ‘My liberty is more important than my modesty,'” Brennan said in an interview Friday. “I felt it was an effective and appropriate statement. It just felt like the right thing at the right time.”

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Business Law

Marine Corps Creates Law Enforcement Battalions

The Marine Corps has created its first law enforcement battalions — a lean, specialized force of military police officers that it hopes can quickly deploy worldwide to help investigate crimes from terrorism to drug trafficking and train fledgling security forces in allied nations.

The Corps activated three such battalions last month. Each is made up of roughly 500 military police officers and dozens of dogs. The Marine Corps has had police battalions off and on since World War II but they were primarily focused on providing security, such as accompanying fuel convoys or guarding generals on visits to dangerous areas, said Maj. Jan Durham, commander of the 1st Law Enforcement Battalion at Camp Pendleton.

The idea behind the law enforcement battalions is to consolidate the military police and capitalize on their investigative skills and police training, he said. The new additions come as every branch in the military is trying to show its flexibility and resourcefulness amid defense cuts.

Marines have been increasingly taking on the role of a street cop along with their combat duties over the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan, where they have been in charge of training both countries’ security forces. Those skills now can be used as a permanent part of the Marine Corps, Durham said.

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Business Law

Lawsuits Fly Amid Legal War Over Ice Cream Fortune

One of Florida’s strangest bankruptcy cases is drawing to a close in federal court in Fort Lauderdale.

Pamela Carvel, the litigious niece of Carvel Ice Cream’s late rags-to-riches founder, filed the case voluntarily last year amid a bitter, 17-year legal struggle for control over the assets from an estate once valued at $67 million.

She got more than she bargained for.

Ice Cream

Carvel’s $1.6 million home on secluded Mayan Lake off A1A in Fort Lauderdale’s exclusive Harbor Beach neighborhood was seized and auctioned at the end of May to the highest bidder. Her six New York City rental apartments were also sold off against her wishes by court order.

U.S Trustee Leslie Osborne said he’s recovered about $2.9 million to pay off Carvel’s creditors, including several law firms and the Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation, with whom Pamela Carvel has grappled so long in court.

Carvel also is a fugitive.

U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge John K. Olson of Fort Lauderdale ordered U.S. Marshal to arrest her on sight nearly a year ago for civil contempt after she repeatedly ignored his orders.

Carvel does not have an attorney. In a recent email to Broward Bulldog, she accused the judge and Osborne of being in cahoots with the foundation created by her late aunt and uncle.

“There has been theft of over $700 million belonging to the Carvel family, with tax evasion through estate tax fraud, income tax fraud, charity fraud and capital gains tax fraud,” she wrote. “Justice goes to the highest briber. Crime is rampant in the courts … but this is nothing new.”

Carvel’s initial court filings indicate, and those familiar with the case contend, that Carvel’s bankruptcy filing was a ploy in her broader legal war against the foundation.

If so, she was the one trapped by the legal tactic.

Court records trace the “genesis” of the litigation to the 1988 “mirror-image wills” signed by the Carvels.

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